Film Projects 

Shadow – Trilogy (Drama)

An incredibly moving & heart-wrenching journey by a homeless prostitute to free herself from the street life of poverty, drugs, street gangs and police corruption, and to reconnect with the daughter that she had to give up at birth. Along the way, she accidentally discovered deep and dark secrets about her past that others had spent their whole lives trying to hide from her.

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Film Projects 


HUSTLE is a 11-episodes TV drama series about the new type of celebrities are appearing in the Los Angeles scene: the tech startup millionaires. Much like the Dot Com era in the Silicon Valley, these software-developers-turned-entrepreneurs know how to party as flash as the Tinseltown A-list. Multi-million-dollar deals are closed with a hand shake (and a bit of spice) behind the scenes. Is it more about who you know or what you know? The stories of instant rags to riches are attracting many young and young-at-heart dreamers to give up…

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